
Multi-grain Banana Pancakes


These pancakes are so healthy but also so yummy! They are made with buckwheat and oats flour, and together with the fruits they just what you need to start your day with a healthy and balanced breakfast!

Who does not like pancakes for breakfast? I love them, I confess. But I also have to admit they most of the pancakes have quite high calories content. Today I am bringing you a healthy version with multi-grain and fruit. Now we don’t have any excuses for stop eating them😉


I know, I am sometimes a little bit evil, those kind of things should not be posted on a Sunday morning. But the only thing I want is to put in the kitchen, no matter which way I have to do it. So if you still didn’t have breakfast, I think I already know what you are going to make!


On the other hand, so that you see I am not that mean, today I am writing a short post. Preparation of the recipe is also very short, well as any other pancakes. So there is not much to say about it, just some comments about some ingredients that might be tricky to find.



So I am going to consider this as my first “express post”, let’s how you like it. I don’t get more of your time, I know you are hungry, I let you with the recipe!

Multi-grain banana pancakes

1 estrella2 estrellas3 estrellas4 estrellas5 estrellas (Ninguna valoración todavía)
Serves: 8-10
Cooking Time: 15 min. plus 4-5 min. cooking per pancake


  • For the pancakes:
  • 65 g bread flour
  • 20 g buckwheat flour
  • 100 g oat flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 Tbsp white sugar
  • 1/2 tsp cinammon
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 225 ml water
  • 10 ml apple vinegar
  • 2 eggs
  • 80 ml sunflower oil
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
  • 3 bananas
  • some coconut butter for the pan



Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. Mix all wet ingredients in another bowl and stir in the wet ingredients in the dry mix.


Combine all mixing just a bit by hand or with an electrical mixer. Do not over-mix or the pancakes will be hard.


Heat the pan and and melt some coconut butter on in (if you don’t have you can also use oil).


Chop the bananas in 1/2 cm slices and place them in a dish so that you have the at hand.


To check that the pan is at the right temperature, pour in some dough; if it does not crackles it is too cold, if the bottom part is cooked too fast and the upside part is not doing bubbles it is too hot.


Once the pan is at the right temperature, pour one ladle of dough and immediately put over as many banana slices as it fit. Let it brown on this side for about 2 minutes.


When it is gold brown in the bottom side, turn it over and let it too cook on the other side for much less time, like about 40 seconds.


Serve them warm and with the fruits you like, maple syrup or any other syrup and some butter if you fancy.


buckwheat flour could be difficult to find. They use to have it in organic shops and you could also find it in the gluten-free sections, since this flour has no gluten. If you don’t find it just use wholemeal.

NOTE 2: oat flour could be also the same, but in this case solution is much easier. You can simply grind oats, this is what I did.

Sweet dreams

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