Desserts/ Lovechocolate

Epic Chocolate and Blackberry Crepe Cake

Tarta_mil_crepes_chocolate_morasToday I came to tempt you with this spectacular crepe cake. A delicious monstrosity that besides being pretty is super easy to prepare, even for those who have no experience in baking. The thing is so simple that all you have to do is stack crepes and spread them with the delicious orange chocolate cream, top it with a little whipping cream and decorate it with fresh blackberries. Anyone could do it, right?

Tarta_mil_crepes_chocolate_moras-10I am sure you are drooling a bit with these photos of chocolate dripping, right? I confess that it is done with all the intention, I had spare chocolate and I thought to put it a little on the sides to give that touch of pure decadence for sweet tooth that I like so much. And if it has caught your attention and I can be satisfied 🙂

Tarta_mil_crepes_chocolate_moras-4Of the recipe there are very few things that stand out, surely you already have a recipe for crepes that you use regularly, you can use it without problems. If not, then I leave you one with the quantities you need to make 16 crepes. Obviously you can do more and make more layers and that the cake is even more for fat people!!! I would say that up to 20 layers you can do surely because you will have a little cream left over with the recipe quantities I give you.


Tarta_mil_crepes_chocolate_moras-22This cake I prepared for myself and basically, is one of those things to take away the pain. I told you about my mini depression and problems at work. Well, the thing is over. I have decided to change jobs, pursue new challenges and jump to the void and see what happen. And eat half of this cake as a celebration of this new beginning in my professional career.


Tarta_mil_crepes_chocolate_morasMaking the decision to change jobs has not been easy at all. With it, I leave many things behind that I will miss so much, especially my colleagues because I know that I will never find people like them anywhere else. It has also cost me a lot to assimilate the “failure” to spend too much time in a place where you never meet your expectations and realize that you need a change when it is already too late. But well, as the saying goes, better late than never and that’s what I’ve done.

Now I have to make a fresh start, in October I am starting in the new company and I my feelings are divided between fear for all the changes and the motivation of the new challenge. I’ll let you know 🙂 For the moment, they will win so far some cake from time to time that I can not finish alone!

Tarta_mil_crepes_chocolate_moras-44So, here is Raquel reborn from her ashes. The last two months have been one of the most difficult and disconcerting in my life, but I think that in the end I have made the right decision and I have learned a very important lesson from this whole situation that will be very useful for me in the future. And of the whole experience the most important thing has been to realize that my life is controlled by me and only me.

It is in our hands to change what we do not like or what does not make us happy. And most of the time we do not do it out of fear. I just want to say that you never stop doing anything out of fear because maybe you are losing incredible things. In a book I’m reading I read a phrase that I loved; “what would you do if you weren’t afraid?” So, ask yourself what you would do and find a way to do it because someday it will be too late.


And after all the philosophical tale (which I hope will really help somebody) I leave you with the recipe of this epic cake crepes that, at least, surely take away your sorrows (and hunger hahaha). But hey, I had to tell you how all the thing ended up 🙂

Chocolate and Blackberry Crepe Cake

1 estrella2 estrellas3 estrellas4 estrellas5 estrellas (Ninguna valoración todavía)
Serves: 10 - 12
Cooking Time: 45 min. + Reposo: 2h


  • 250 g flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 500 ml milk
  • 100 g butter
  • 10 g of sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon butter to spread the skillet
  • CREAM:
  • 200 g dark chocolate (minimum 56% cocoa)
  • 100 g milk chocolate
  • 500 g mascarpone
  • The zest of 1 orange
  • 200g whipping cream (very cold)
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar (or 15 g of sugar)
  • 200 g fresh blackberries
  • 20 g dark chocolate



To prepare the crepes, melt the butter in the microwave by heating it for 30 seconds. Pour all the ingredients in a jug or bowl and using the hand mixer, beat the ingredients until well blended.


Put a non-stick skillet about 22 cm in diameter to heat over medium heat. Spread the pan with a pinch of butter. When the pan is hot, remove the excess fat with a paper towel.


Pour in a small amount of dough to prepare the first crepe. Cook on the side for about 1 minute (until it is browned and peel off the pan) and then turn it over. Cook on the other side another minute or until you see it golden. Possibly the first crepe is broken or very greasy, in that case simply discard it.


Repeat the process of cooking the crepes until you have finished with all the batter. I've made 16 crepes. Let them cool completely on a wire rack so that no moisture is created under them.


Melt the two chocolates in the microwave or the water bath and let it cool a little. When they are tempered, mix them with the mascarpone and the orange zest, beating just until you have a homogeneous cream.


To assemble the cake, place as a base one of the crepes, frost it with a little chocolate cream and repeat the step by stacking crepes with layers of cream until you have stacked them all. The crepe on the top should be free of chocolate cream. Refrigerate the cake for at least 2 hours to allow the cream to harden and do not disassemble when cutting it.


Just before serving the cake remove it from the refrigerator, whip the cream with the sugar. Cover the last crepe with the whipped cream. Garnish with the fresh blackberries, melt the rest of the chocolate and sprinkle the blackberries with a little chocolate.

Sweet dreams,

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